

反基地運動への暴力的妨害に対する抗議声明 by 合意してないプロジェクト









Statement of Protest against the Illegitimate Arrest and Detention of the Two Citizens by the US Military and the Okinawa Prefectural Police, and against Their Violent Repressions of the Anti-Base Movement in Okinawa

Our own bodies were in pain when we witnessed the US military in Okinawa put handcuffs on our activist friends and left their bodies inside the fence of the US base.  Through our own pain that fills us bodily and emotionally, we connect with our wounded friends, detained and arrested by the US military and the local police.  Feeling the pain of our activist friends, we also reconnect with the past struggles in Okinawa that resisted all types of injustice that may have subtended or led to war.

On February 22, 2015, two citizens were unjustly arrested by the US military in front of the main gate of the US Marine’s Camp Schwab in Henoko, Okinawa and were later detained, again unjustly, by the Okinawa Prefectural Police.

What legal ground justifies the US military stationed in Okinawa to detain and arrest the peace-seeking citizens who were engaged in their meticulously peaceful, non-violent protest against the construction of the new Marine bases?  How can the Okinawa Prefectural Police deliberately fail to protect these citizens and, instead, assist the US military by taking over the detention and interrogation of these citizens?  They have committed limitless infringement of law and unabashedly exposed their use of bare violence.  There is no legal ground for such barbaric acts.

The distinction between the military and the police has apparently disappeared during the recent repressions of the anti-base movements in Henoko and Takae, the two struggles which are part of the larger, massively popular anti-base movement in Okinawa today.

The US military, the Okinawa Defense Bureau—a section within Japan’s Ministry of Defense—, and the Okinawa Prefectural Police cooperate as an apparatus of violence whose target is oftentimes the ordinary citizens.  Their tripartite collusion has resulted in an apparent violation of the rule of law and the basic human rights guaranteed by the Japanese Constitution.

Those of us who live in Okinawa and survive its social conditions pursue our inviolable right to peaceful life.  We have shown our collective will to oppose the construction of the new base by having won a series of elections, including the gubernatorial election in December, 2014, through which the current governor of Okinawa Prefecture, Takeshi Onaga, who opposes the new US base construction, emerged as a victor.  Even if the construction proceeds, the will of the people remains strong, as manifested in Higashi Village Council’s resolution to prohibit the use of the MV-22 Osprey’s landing pads whose construction was completed by July, 2014.

The will of people will block the current militarist schemes by the US and Japan to strengthen the US bases, the US-Japan security alliance, and Japan’s Self-Defense Forces.  They will face fierce criticism and strong resistance coming from such will of the people in Okinawa and elsewhere.

The US and Japanese governments and the US military are fearful of such rising popular will.  They have repeatedly repressed citizens violently precisely because the two governments feel being surrounded by the massive opposition from the people and think that they are losing time.  The Japanese government has covertly ordered the Okinawa Defense Bureau, the Japan Coast Guard, and the riot police to violently harass and detain the citizen activists while the US high officials’ villainous remarks have clearly demonstrated the US government’s involvement in the recent repressions.  The unitary apparatus of the military/police mentioned above has lost its control.  Thus, its target now is democracy and its enemy is the people.  Its violence is immensely unjust and infinitely illegitimate. Okinawa’s decades-long anti-military movement has helped us dispel violence and given a concrete shape to our rights to resistance and peaceful life.

The non-violent, direct action movement in Okinawa holds demands that are both anti-military and anti-war.  The movement, massively supported today, resists and dispels violence of the states, the military, and the police.  People’s pursuit of their right to peaceful life, which has informed the struggles in Okinawa over the decades, remains infinitely legitimate.  By invoking such infinite legitimacy of the people, we strongly denounce the US military’s and the Okinawa Prefectural Police’s illegitimate arrest of the two citizens, and strongly oppose the violent and illegitimate repressions of the anti-base movements in Henoko and Takae.

March 3, 2015
Project Disagree