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 海上保安庁は警察権を持つ上、すでに英語名をCoast Guardと名乗る準軍事組織です。第11管区中城海上保安部は、鉄板と有刺鉄線のフェンスで囲いカメラで市民を監視する要塞でした。辺野古で連日のように国境警備モードで人々の首を絞め腕をねじり海に沈めて来た組織です。さらに「自衛隊」という名の組織が、アメリカの5番目の軍隊の顔つきで琉球弧を再び戦場にしようとしています。日本という国が、沖縄を再び殺そうとしています。そして、抗議する市民の人権は保護に値しないと棄却されているのです。





秋林こずえ(同志社大学)、阿部小涼(琉球大学)、新垣友子(沖縄キリスト教学院大学)、稲福日出夫(沖縄国際大学)、井上間従文(一橋大学)、呉世宗(琉球大学)、大城ひさこ、岡本由希子(編集者)、木村厚子(岐阜県民)、黒澤亜里子(沖縄国際大学)、坂下史子(立命館大学) 、佐藤泉(青山学院大学)、佐藤学(沖縄国際大学)、島袋純(琉球大学)、新城郁夫(琉球大学)、道面雅量、徳田匡、戸邉秀明(東京経済大学)、渡真利哲、西泉(沖縄大学)、浜邦彦(早稲田大学)、浜川智久仁(沖縄大学)、星野英一、三上智恵(映画監督)、宮城公子(沖縄大学)、村上陽子(沖縄国際大学)、森美千代(自由の森学園)、森川恭剛(琉球大学)、若林千代、ほか2名。

平井玄、殿平有子、宮城康博(沖縄県民)、中野敏男、垣見宏(愛知県名古屋市在住)、山田修(出版社勤務)、親川志奈子 (琉球大学大学院)、本田盛(関西学院大学)、照屋寛之(沖縄国際大学)、中村みのり、大野光明(同志社大学/スワロウカフェ)、後藤聡(日本基督教団牧師)、山城知佳子(アーティスト)、森啓輔、児島博紀

English translation

We Do Not Concede to Military Base Human Rights Violations
- A Statement of Protest -

On April 1st, 2016, the U.S. military detained a civilian in Henoko, took him into the U.S. Marines’ Camp Schwab, and restrained him under confinement for over eight hours. This incident is a major violation of human rights. Yet the Japanese government as a governing body, did not act on the incident and thus completely failed to protect the civilian whose physical safety was at stake.

Taking people into custody, confining them and cutting them off from society amounts to lynching, which is a tremendous human rights violation. Making an arrest by police authority is not only based on reason for arrest but also the law which legitimates a process of making an arrest. This is the authority that people around the world have fought against to gain the basis of freedom and democracy. In a country where such horrendous human rights violations have been coolly practiced, trust must be placed upon the very acts of people who desire liberation.

But why did it have to happen in Okinawa?

It happened because the borderline that separated us and the land occupied by the American military base has been undergoing a meltdown— slowly eroding into our lives. Abyssal, lawless land lies beyond the border, completely distinct from American civil society. Being a “good neighbor” or “a member of the local community” merely are military orders which are obeyed. No matter how beautiful the words, it is impossible to cloak the shadows of the military.

At the Nuclear Security Summit held on March 31, the Japanese Prime Minister did not express any indignation for the recent rape of a Japanese person committed by the U.S. Navy sailor stationed at the Camp Schwab in Henoko.

The Japanese government also remained a mere bystander during and after the detention of the citizen this time. It did not even try to restrain the U.S. military’s reckless rampage.
And surely that is not all. It can only be said that in regards to the harms/injuries surrounding American military bases in Okinawa, Japan as a nation-state imposes neglect as a sanction.

Military does not protect people. Regardless of whether it is peacetime, the military is violence itself. This has become the historical truth through lived experience of Okinawa.

The Japan Coast Guard (the JCG)—previously known in English as the Maritime Safety Agency of Japan—retains police authority power and, as its current English name suggests, is a paramilitary force.  The 11th Region Nakagusuku Coast Guard Office is a fortress, equipped with the cameras to survey citizens and protected by the barbed-wire fence and iron walls. The JCG—which now acts in the mode of border control—is an organization responsible for chokeholding people, twisting their arms, and dunking their heads into the sea of Henoko daily. On top of this, Japan’s “Self-Defense Forces” tries to pass as the American military’s fifth branch, turning the arc of islands in Okinawa into a warzone.  The state of Japan is attempting to kill Okinawa again.  It does not respect the rights of citizens who protest, dismissing them as not being worthy of protection.

We protest all forms of criminal acts committed by the military in Okinawa, including rape, abduction and confinement, noise pollution, contamination, and expropriation of the sea, forest, and sky.

In the Age of the World Target--- in which an act of seeing has become a synonymous with an act of targeting--- our freedom to write is at stake. Acting politically comes as an extension of writing freely, and they constitutes a bastion of human rights and human expression. Let us create bastion together.

In hopes that those who write will not have their trust in that conviction stolen, their trust in that conviction killed.

With desires,

April 3, 2016
Project Disagree

Thanks for the english translation: Ayumi, Yuko, Tommy, Neo, and Mayumo