








在沖米軍の性暴力と情報隠蔽に抗議する外務省正門前スタンディング 2024年7月2日火曜日 18時から19時 @外務省正門前(雨天決行) 呼びかけ団体 アクティブ・ミュージアム「女たちの戦争と平和資料館」(wam) アジア女性資料センター(AJWRC) ふぇみん婦人民主クラブ 抗議直前まで呼びかけ団体を募っています。フォームにご記入ください。




We do not forgive the US military’s sexual assault and cover-up in Okinawa!

Participate in a Standing Demo in front of the Foreign Ministry’s main gate

In December 2023, a soldier in the US air force stationed in Okinawa sexually assaulted a young girl. In reporting on June 25th it was revealed that the Naha public prosecutor’s office indicted the soldier on rape charges that March. Despite the fact that the Japanese Foreign Ministry became aware of the indictment, at latest, on March 27th, it did not share this information with Okinawa prefecture. In addition to this incident, from January to the end of May this year, no less than 3 other cases of alleged rape have been reported.

We strongly oppose the Japanese government’s claim that it did not share this information with the prefecture out of “privacy concerns for the victim.” Not only is is possible to share this information with the government and with residents while maintaining the privacy of the victim, such information is indispensable to eradicating all forms of gender/sexual violence. We do not see this as anything but a cover-up that was meant to avoid this incident becoming a point of contention during the elections. This act has invisibilized conditions of gender/sexual violence in and around the bases.

We object to the US and Japanese governments that continue to excuse the US military’s sexual violence in order to protect national security, and we demand responsibility for the information cover-up that took place under the guise of protecting the victim’s privacy. Please join us. 

Date: July 2, 2024 (Tuesday), 18:00-19:00 JST (UTC +0900)

Place: Main gate of the Japanese Foreign Ministry (subway: Kasumigaseki station) *rain or shine

Content: Speeches, reading of a proclamation, etc. 


Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace (WAM)

Asia-Japan Women’s Resource Center (AJWRC)

femin Women’s Democracy Group

*We will continue to invite organizations to join us until right before the Standing. If interested please fill out the form below.